So for the past few weeks I have been staying at the Purple Cow hostel. It's a pretty friendly place with movies every night, free pool and ping pong, nice fire place, and lots of interesting people. But there are two that are particularly interesting, Phil the resident alcoholic and Smoky the hostel cat. Phil has been here for a few months now and acts like he owns the place. He has been traveling for the better half of seven years before now. He has a degree in psychology, is a certified dive master, can sky dive and paraglide, is a good pool player, and is definitely one of the smartest most interesting people I've ever met. Phil is on the right here.

The other is Smoky the hostel cat. He has been living in the hostel, for ten years now, longer than anyone else has been here. Even the current owners have only owned the hostel for 7 years. He roams around, steals peoples seats in front of the fire, irritates people for food at diner, and knows a way into almost every room in the hostel. But more than anything he will defend his territory if threatened. He has bit or scratched almost everyone in the hostel including myself in the first twenty minutes i was here.

Other then that Wanaka is great, should be moving out of the hostel into a place soon, and have a part time job cleaning lined up if need be.
smoky is a cutie.